seven simple points follow to make a short film

If you searching for how to make Short Films in India: Some excellent short films have appeared over the years, and they can be just as powerful and engaging as regional feature films. Because they hardly tend to drag on and lose focus, they can often be even better. Short films are also a better option to get into the film industry by showing off your talents, and they are the perfect format to experiment with. But how should you go about creating a short film and regional film that is engaging and compelling?

Here are seven simple points follow to make a short film, Short Film Festival in India | Regional Films in India

1. Come Up with an Idea
Coming up with a better opinion is one of the hardest things to do. Short Films, One of the best ways to get ideas is to watch other short films online. There are many available, so study them to find out which types of ideas work the best. Just remember to use them as inspiration for your idea rather than copying them.
2. Decide on a Budget
Know the budget for your short film from the start, as this will prevent you from coming up with a great idea only to realize that filming it will be impossible. Your budget will classify the equipment that you can use, including the:
Sound equipment
Editing software
• …and it will also influence how you shoot the film.
Come up with a budget early on and do not waste time building an idea that is well beyond your capabilities.
3. Get Straight into the Action
Short films of their nature get straight into the action, so don't waste time with lots of back story or long scenes where nothing happens. Instead, you'll want to get to the story as quickly as possible using action and dialogue, so forget about the long build-up.
4. Write a Treatment
Treatments are used as summaries for regional feature films and short films, but when you are building a short film you can use your treatment to provide an account of the whole film. This is a better way to see how your story is developing and to visualize it, allowing you to get rid of things that are not working.
5. Get Feedback
One of the best ways to get rid of unnecessary material early on is to show your treatment to others and ask for feedback. Other people may well be able to pick up on things that don’t work or characters that need more development, along with other things that you have missed. This will allow you to make changes before filming to save time.
6. Create a Storyboard
Storyboards are an excellent way to plan your shots well in advance of filming them, and it will be a good way for you to visualize the shots that you will make. Again, this can help you to make changes at this early stage rather than after you have completed the filming.
7. Edit Carefully
After filming the footage, spend a Bulk of time editing it down. This is the stage where you make sure that every second count. Shoot more resources than you need and that way you can condense it down.
Be strict with yourself during the video editing stage, and get rid of anything that is not necessary to create a tight, compelling short film.
Get Your Film Out There | Film Festival in India
Once you have made your film, ensure as many people see it as possible. As well as entering it into competitions, upload it to a video sharing website and encourage everyone you know to download it using a program like YTD (youtube downloader)so that they can watch it offline. Ask them for their feedback, and take this into account when marking your next short film. More detail regarding the Short Film Festival in India


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