Short Film Festival in India-Cinema in India

The first set of films was presented in 1894 and it was through Thomas Edison's tool called Kinetoscope. It was made to look only personal. Comedy Short Films a large number of mainly came animated cartoons in the form of small themes.The film is considered as one of the most honest forms of film making, short films act as a powerful medium to tell a story which leaves an impact. Short films are used to raise questions on social issues and to consider the ideals and can be minor in scale, but the ideas tend to be overwhelming.

Short Film Festival in India- Cinema in India 


Short Film Festival in India, New media and film festivals are pushing the boundaries of short films across the globe. The Internet has provided a platform for filmmakers to challenge the creative shortcomings of Bollywood and Hollywood films. The World Wide Web has allowed people to create and distribute the work and have helped filmmakers reach a unique comfort for a worldwide audience. Short films are becoming a dynamic medium in the blockbuster-driven industry.

Short films generally do not attract a large audience, and they are not content that often pops up in Newsfeed. Unless you go in search of them, it can be difficult to watch them at film festivals or online. There is no set showcase for short films and many good films are not taken into account, they are entitled. But, it seems that the trend of the Internet has changed.

A short film is similar to any other movie, it's beginning, middle and end, however, its all usually fit within 40 minutes. Short Films are usually low budget films. Many short films are made to make people laugh, though people use it a lot. Short films are usually shown on film festivals and the Internet because they are as popular as before.

Rajasthan Film Festival- Short Film Festival in India

Short films are not that popular anymore in today media, however, they are shown and given awards in festivals, such as the Rajasthan film festival. Some people create short films for charity such as red nose day and comic relief, they create a series of short films to get people to donate.

Short films began in the United States in the 1910s. Movies were animated films or live-action. Most movies were made for people to make a comedy. The popularity of short films began to decline in the 1930s, although in 1955 short films were growing again. Growth was due to Charles Chaplin, he again started making short comedy films, but short films have not yet been popular since then. Pixar and Disney have made some short films in recent times

Seven rules of writing short films by Rajasthan film festival, Short Film Festival in India...

    1. The shorter the better
    2. Keep the practicalities of writing in mind
    3. Make it visual    
    4. Find single moments
    5. Tell a story
    6. Engage the reader
    7. Beware of the cliches


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